How many Americans will ever hear a word about this? They'll go along, blindly trusting the orange sadist -- until it affects their lives. But by then, if will, of course, be too late.

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It's like a cookie pattern. This is how USPS was destroyed in part. Now the methodology proliferates into SS, and who knows what other small offices in our government. It will grow. Like Cancer!

I'm amazed how many American traitors we have!

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From Jess Craven, here's a Google Docs link to a copy of the deposition filed on 3-6-2025. Reading it is truly terrifying.


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And our Republican Senators and Representatives are ok with this.

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Sadly I wonder how many D's are.... disappointed in "r' Lisa Merkowski (sp?)..gave up on "r" Susan years ago... all we needed were 2 or 3 r's with a heart..so jd cannot cast the deciding vote... our lives hang in the balance on the whims of 5 or 6 people?

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Thanks for providing that link. I read the whole thing and yes, it truly is terrifying. I used to work on a system like the SSA has, using COBOL programming, so I'm fully aware of the dangers of giving over source code to someone unfamiliar with that programming language.

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I got an email from the SSA yesterday saying that my annual earnings letter was available and that to get it I would have to log on. It would no longer be sent by mail. In order to read it I had to agree to new terms of service which included, "I agree that the Social Security Administration is not responsible for the improper disclosure of any information that the Social Security Administration has provided to me or any information that is on or from my computer or other device, whether due to my negligence or the wrongful acts of others".

I did not agree to that so have no way to get my earnings record short of going to an SSA office.

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I got an email as well, but didn't even click to open it. I knew exactly that they would be sending something to "agree to terms", "verify account / banking information ", etc. I have been expecting this for some time, so they have us on record with "permission ". I have decided not to open anything from them, and just wait and see if our SS deposits continue. I also had a small, unexplained "deposit " to the bank account that my husband's SS goes into, and our bank's fraud department is investigating it. I believe it was a "test" transaction". They may have sold this information to an outsider. I had previously moved most of our balances out of this bank, expecting something like this to happen, and am paying bills from a different bank now.

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Helene thank you for this critical advice. Please alert main stream media since most Americans will be blindsided. We are all exposed and this catastrophe will be impossible to repair.

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Those would likely be ruled "unenforceable" ToS if it ever went to court.

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I hope you’re right. In order to access anything on the SSA site you must agree to those conditions. I set up an account quite a while ago and never had to agree to them before so this is definitely new. I’m almost ready to apply for Social Security so I am very concerned. I guess I will have to make an appointment and go in person.

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This is just a standard Terms of Service agreement. It has changed slightly this year, but there isn't anything suspect in there that I can see (I just went on there to check my own account).

What I think is new this year (probably before DOGE) is they are just saying that they are not responsible for your information being hacked if you download it and your computer gets hacked.

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Except they're the ones hacking us. I'm not agreeing to that.

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Our government is a massive Jenga tower, with blocks removed at whim by Musk.

At some point, it won't simply be slowed agencies with mistakes compounding mistakes...the entire system will begin to fail.

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I posted this newsletter on Facebook and within minutes it was deleted and called SPAM!

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That's common practice at FB. Time to exit it.

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Oh my God really??

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These DOGE Bros really are like vermin gnawing their way in and destroying everything just because that is their nature. This story seems like it should also talk about those who come into rescue, but instead, long time employees are jumping ship. As an individual collecting social security, this worries me. As an American, I am terrified that we are falling apart so easily. As if, as if, as if, this was all planned for a long time. As if those who planned this knew that human nature was to bow down or to flee. But how did they know all those Congresspersons would fold so easily?

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When elected officials worry about Jewish space lasers, it's not a good sign they'll recognize a real crisis.

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DOGE is like a bunch of kids playing with matches: they don't seem to understand (or care) that if they burn the place down others will suffer.

Nice reporting PI! Watch your back!

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Or worse, they enjoy the suffering of others. So thrilling. 😞

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I've said this before:

The Republican mantra has changed over the years:

It used to be "I've made mine; feel free to make yours"

Then it became "I've made mine and I'm coming for yours"

Then it became "I've made mine, I'm coming for yours, and if you're not suffering, I'm not happy"

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It used to be a truism that Social Security was an electrified third rail in American politics- no one touched it. But now that seems a thing of the past. Using completely debunked theories of fraud, the flimsiest of excuses. Musk is now seeking to gather information on all of us, with the ability to cut off payments. I wonder if his ultimate goal is to privatize the fund? Perhaps secure it with cryptocurrency?

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The goal has always been to privatize it. Also the Post Office, ALL of Medicare and any other good thing the government provides...so they can turn it over to the for-profit oligarchs.

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We’ve got to stop these bastards!!!

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They are too arrogant and contemptuous to know it, but the third rail that is SS will fry them.

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From your keyboard to G*d’s screen, Becky

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God help us.

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I got my SS payment today. So it’s not broken …yet

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Sounds to me like this DOGE enterprise was designed to allow Musk to offload his employees

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We need a class action lawsuit for the invasion into the American peoples privacy and personal information!

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