So humiliating! All respect for the White House was cast aside and reduced to such a low level. Trump is close to trailer trash!

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Respect for the White House!! That's rich. He hates the White House, and goes down to his rather large trailer in Florida any time he can.

Selling anything from the White House to benefit its occupant is unheard of. He would sell hats or cars from the Oval Office because, yes, he has no respect for anything or anybody except Putin and other billionaires. Even then, he would stab anyone in the back if it suited him.

But that attitude: turning the White House into a used car lot does not occur to him. If it feels good and makes a buck, he'll do it.

Jesus wept. So too Lincoln, Adams, Washington, Jefferson, etc, et al.

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That's an insult to trailer trash.

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As is frequently noted "elect a clown, expect a circus".

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We need to know all of this toxic, treasonous stuff even though it is exhausting and discouraging. And while it is impossible not to be discouraged at times, we cannot succumb to it. We need to turn it into rage. And we need to use our rage to take down the dangerous evil men who are destroying our democracy. Elon the nazi is foremost among them.

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Trump’s White House commercial for Tesla was laughable. Firstly,MAGATs could care less about electric cars even if they could afford one. Secondly, with all the layoffs, who of that group would buy one. Thirdly, as a private citizen, I’d never buy anything related to Musk.

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I'm even throwing away my Musk cologne spray and all my muskmelons!

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There's a sentence in here that absolutely blows me away: "Rubio chimed in by demanding that Sikorski “say thank you because without Starlink Ukraine would have lost this war long ago and Russians would be on the border with Poland right now.”

This shows that they (the T administration) understand what Putin's true plans are, that he's going to go after all of eastern Europe if he gets the chance.

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When taken in context, The White House becoming a Tesla dealership is kinda trivial...which really says something. Tough reading first thing in the morning

Thank you for this excellent summary.

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Wow! Now DOGE gets the chance to mess up the United States Postal Service more than DeJoy already has.

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Sure he can be penalized for being a so called patriot just watch the news and you’ll see just how much we penalized him on account of you both being dicks!! So there’s that king Orange the Turd and his prince Muck the schmuck

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I keep thinking like a historian: how did (fill in a nation) not see it coming? How could they let (so and so) waltz into power? Didn't the people of (name the country) see what (name names) were doing?

We are now living through a time of extreme takeover which future generations will study with dismay and curiosity. We can see how big and powerful these people are, we are the "good Americans" who watched in horror as this nobody, Leon "Nazi pig" Musk, destroyed a 250-year-old democracy. We, those of us who are sick to our stomachs, are the good Americans who watched it happen.

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He couldn't have destroyed our democracy without the generous assistance of Trump, the far right billionaires et al.

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Perfect. The carnival barker speaks. Incoherently, but just as grating on the nerves.

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We need journalism like this so badly to keep up with how apguy who bought and otherwise interfered with the election is now basically running the country and defining everything we hold dear.

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If musk was an actual human, his confidence would never recover from this. The images from this end of month sales event on the South Lawn make me turn red, like I was there. They have cheapened the White House so much recovery may not be possible.

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These are NOT entitlements - they've been and are being paid for by we. the PEOPLE. Unlike all the money that (f)elon is getting in his subsidies... that asshole has no idea how this country is supposed to work - and it ain't "like a business". Businesses can be driven into the ground - good government shouldn't have that happen

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The current administration is a complete fraud. In a few short months, they have tanked the economy, stock market and crypto spaces. They have driven away investment, workers, and removed good-paying jobs. They flip flop on everything and have caused so much uncertainty that no one knows what they'll do next. Now long-standing trade partners are questioning even doing business with the USA. Canada says hi. Musk is a tool.

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Your "fantastic report" is flawed by the fact that over 50% is non readable "click bait". I humbly suggest that you need to find a work around so your readers don't need to subscibe to a half dozen publications in order to make sense of or otherwise validate the substance of your work.

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