We are f*****.

Awesome reporting...watch your back!

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It continues to get unimaginably worse every week, thank you for this reporting

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Musk is turning out to be democracy's ace in the hole. He's engendered near universal hatred.

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If Musk and all other rich private citizens paid for their own security, that would save US taxpayers a bundle of money. Let Trump hire them. They'll do as good a job as his other picks.

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Thank you, Caleb, for the wonderful detailed summary of our busy pseudo president, Elon Musk! He may be brilliant (sneakily clever) at making money for himself, but he's not smart when it comes to judging human nature. "Bullet Point" reports were considered so boring and ineffective that they went out of fashion by 2000 a.d. The voices of our people both R and D, red and blue, are making themselves heard all over our country--Hallejulah!

Is it possible for you or anyone you know to investigate how Musk interfered with the elections in Romania in order to get information on how to distort or corrupt their election's system? Musk admitted that he gained valuable information from that move by his Starlink. I suggest that it is a key to how our election may have been corrupted and brought us Trump. I conclude that herein is the reason Trump will allow Musk to do WHATEVER he wants; and that Putin also somehow instrumental, is now able to "rule" Trump. [Putin has been grooming Trump as useful idiot for decades. Wow, did that ever pay off!] Putin, right after our election, told Musk, "Remind Trump that he owes us." I remember that at that same time, Musk said this election better work, or we'll all be in jail.

How about it?

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What an unbelievable mess.

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Truly disturbing.

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Mindblowing in myriad ways that are too horrifying to think about for too long.

Impeccable reporting.

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Anyone else watching the cabinet meeting with Muskrat looming over them also visualize the scene in the Untouchables where Capone walks around the table before braining one of his bosses? The Cabinet members look scared AF.

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Or just cancel your subscription to the Post.

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Amazing reporting I cannot even read it all... the pick of elon standing at the cabinet meeting should not go unnoticed someone meeds to tell the predator that move by elon cause all eyes on him NOT on the orange one... trump always to be center stage... hope this gets messy

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As to your opening piece today about the Washington Post. What the Trumpers are doing is what their hero Hitler did. Destroy the press and control what still gets published. If the Wash. Post is only printing stories and opinions that will make Trump happy, our friends who subscribe should cancel and find their news elsewhere. If the Post is an advertisement for the Maga team, real people shouldn't have to pay for it. My only fear is the growing list of good press people leaving, Maga gets closer to total press control. Add to what is happening the fact that Trump is screening out the good press representatives from press attendance at his briefings.

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Thanks for what you are reporting and for keeping tabs on Musk. That there are still people who can stick their head in the sand and/or explain away the obvious grift going on here just completely baffles me. With enough fact-based reporting like this, maybe enough minds will be changed that this farce can't continue.

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So they are using DEIA?!

To fast-track the hiring of the SpaceX engineers, the FAA used a diversity carve out that allows federal agencies to “hire persons with disabilities without requiring them to compete for the job.”

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Great report! Keep this rat

boxed in.

Musk is getting death

threats!? I'm shocked!

Wondering when he'll show

up with a gauze bandage on

his ear, just like Trump.

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Reminds me of Kurt Cobain's Where did you sleep last night...we know how that turned out

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